Expressions of interest open for 2025 activity
We’re interested in hearing from emerging artists for inclusion in various releases and projects in 2025. Whilst our current cohort is strong, we’re always on the look out for artists who are in the early phases of their practice, and who may have only taken a few steps in sharing their work.
New Weird Australia supports new, eclectic and experimental Australian music in a variety of ways. We provide a platform within a supportive and active community, offering a substructure for work, sitting within the context of a large catalogue of releases. Our projects include the ongoing New Weird Australia compilation series, with 31 volumes to date, as well as our New Editions artist imprint and our various streaming playlists.
In 2025, we’re also keen to feature video work more broadly across our channels; and would love to hear from any artists who have recently made, or are intending to make, a film / video clip to accompany their music. Unreleased or upcoming films particularly welcomed to premiere on our channels.
The terms ‘weird’ or ‘experimental’ are nebulous and resist definition. ‘Wyrd’ and ‘strange’ in their original definition refer to something outside of the ‘norm’; ‘experimental’ in the context of music can mean exploratory, unorthodox, unpredictable and so forth. We’re interested in all of these things. The more it conforms to tropes or standards, the less likely we are to feature it. If in doubt, listen to our releases on Bandcamp and be real in your assessment as to whether you think your music fits.
Send links to any examples of your work that can be listened to online; public or private; released or unreleased; demo or master; single tracks, EPs, albums; all welcomed and encouraged.
Email info@newweirdaustralia.com.au
Please bear in mind that we’re a small operation, so whilst we may not be able to respond quickly, be assured that we listen to and consider all music submitted.
Note, this is a rolling open callout – feel free to send at any time.